Friday, May 28, 2010

FIDM in Wonderland

Just for my girl Shannon I thought I'd post a link to the Alice in Wonderland Debut at FIDM... man that movie reminds me of my life here! lol...

My Fashion Favs

So since it's my career path and a huge part of my life I figured I should probably talk about my fashion favorites. Designer: by far Marc Jacobs! I love his use of pattern and color. His clothes show the true connection between fashion and art.
My favorite store...Urban Outfitters (Free People, Anthropologie, and Urban.) I know I can always find something that fits, is made well and looks great on me! Plus they have great accessories...

Even though anyone who sees me on a daily basis would never know but I do actually love to dress up! BCBG, Chloe,and Free People are a few of my favorites collecting dust in my closet...

(My big sister Alina and I at the Hard Rock in Ft. Lauderdale...both of us rockin' BCBG from my wardrobe;)

(Free People Vest...another personal frequent fav!)

Do I have one style persay? I don't think so...I dress to match my is a way to express ourselves inside and out!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lighting the Way through LA

Since I've gotten to LA in September it seems like it has been one of the craziest roller coaster rides I've ever been on! I came out here picturing a life full of great friends, sunny days, laughter, all the glitz and glamor of a fashion student we've all seen on reruns of the Hills. What a rude awakening that was! It's so easy to lose yourself out here...the people are anything but friendly, the traffic is crazy, the smog is thick and the prices are too high to enjoy much! This past Saturday a co-worker of mine brought me to the first meeting for an upcoming event called God Chicks, held at Oasis Church in LA. I haven't been attending church on a regular basis since I lived in Santa Barbara. I was quickly reminded no matter how bad things may seem that I'm not alone. Everything in life is relative...we all face extremely hard times but it's what we learn from these experiences and how we use them to help others that make these trials and tribulations worthwhile. After listening to a pastor's wife from the Ukraine tell her story and what she overcame I realized that although things are tough here, there are really amazing people everywhere, and so many opportunities and wonderful things to be thankful just have to look a little harder and keep a positive mindset and above all surround yourself with others who think and act this way! So I guess my reason for this post is just to remind anyone who reads it that at the end of the day, everything always works out as it's meant to even if it may seem unbearable at the moment.
So do something nice for someone every day, whether it be holding open a door, giving change to a homeless person, or lend a shoulder to a friend or anyone in need. Step back when things get you down, and just think of what good can be brought from it...soon you'll be surprised how much brighter everything is, and just maybe you can shed a little of that light on someone else's life;)

Thank you Rachel Ramon for sharing this experience with me!