Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lend a helping hand...

So this past week has been an absolute nightmare. Exam week at FIDM is always difficult, but I managed to run into every roadblock known to mankind. Luckily I finished finally, and now am sitting at LAX waiting to fly home to Vermont. As I was walking to my gate pondering how I could better manage my stress levels and have more trust that God had a reason for making my journey a little bumpy, I was approached by a lady holding out her boarding pass. She didn’t speak very good English, but as she kept pointing back and forth between her ticket and the Continental sign I realized she couldn’t find her flight. The poor woman was frantic, and no one was there to help her. I was able to figure out she had missed her flight, then flag down someone to actually assist her. She looked at me with such gratitude and appreciation when she thanked me; I was truly touched I could help someone just by doing something as simple as taking a few minutes to help her find an attendant. If everyone could do something this small, just take a few minutes to help someone else in need, wouldn’t we all be less stressed on a daily basis? What we are all guilty of is forgetting to appreciate the simple things we are blessed with in life. Whether it be waking up next to someone special, a smile from a stranger, a sunny day, or just a simple hello... We forget how meaningful these simple pleasures are until we lose them. So take a second out of your hectic lives to just slow down for a minute and appreciate what you’ve been given. I’m pretty sure it would be a much more pleasant existence if we all could do this☺

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